Services and Specialties
Services and Specialties
Sunflower Massage
What is a Sunflower Massage:
Like a flower, a child is as pure and as delicate to it's surroundings. We try to nourish flowers to the best of our abilities, and raising a Sunflower Child (a child with a disability/hardship) can be an entire whole different level of learning and environmental adapting for both the parent and child. Sunflower children are and can be very sensitive to their surroundings such as loud noises, bright lights, over stimulating locations such as a trip to the grocery store or even a family gathering. This can be both stressful and overwhelming to both the parent(s) and child. Here at Healing Hands Of Estacio, we came up with the Sunflower Massage to aid and assist all Sunflower Children, being a mother of Sunflower Child, I can completely relate and understand the hardships of wanting to help my child and sometimes not knowing what is best for him, staying up late nights trying to do as much research as possible for no matter what book you might have read or will read, every child is different and responds differently.
The Sunflower Massage was designed for children with special "hardships" (as I do not like using the word/phrase disability) such as autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc. The Sunflower Massage can help a child who has increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, including tactile stimulation, and a massage can provide a comforting experience of tactile stimulation while also helping to decrease pain amplification through desensitization. The massage can help reduce a child's anxiety, improve their linguistic abilities and social communication, help increase their tolerance to touch, which many Sunflower Children have a hard time tolerating, when their tolerance to touch increases, their aggression and anxiety diminishes. Imagine giving your child a hug in which at one point they couldn't tolerate, it's a huge milestone for both the child and parent, one that will definitely need a box of tissues.
Not only will a massage help a Sunflower Child, it will also help reduce their stress and increase their relaxation, assist in reducing pain and possible muscle soreness and tension, help improve blood circulation, energy and alertness, it assists in lowering one's heart rate and blood pressure and importantly improves their immune function. The Sunflower Massage provides proprioceptive input, which can help regulate a child's sensory system, and is an amazing way a person can communicate to a non-verbal child which promotes bonding and connection.
How Massage Therapy for Children Works
Performing a massage on a Starlight Child is not the same as performing one on an adult. Here at Healing Hands Of Estacio, we will follow the “Five P’s” when providing a child with a pediatric massage: Permission, Pace, Pressure, Positioning, and Parents.
Permission: We will always ask the child if they are willing to be touched and receive a massage. We will stop if your child isn’t ready or becomes tense during the massage.
Pace: While adults may relish in an hour-long massage or longer, children will not. We will provide children with a massage increments/times depending on the child's age and needs.
Pressure: That deep tissue might feel great to you, but it’s much too strong for most children. Children will guide us during this session on what feels comfortable to find the correct pressure.
Positioning: Typically, children can be fully clothed if they are uncomfortable with getting undressed and when getting a massage, which lets us try a variety of positions to find the one that works best for your child.
Parents: We will talk to you about your child’s needs, answer any questions you may have, teach you simple techniques to try at home, and explain why they recommend or perform a specific movement.